
Getting started: Creating a roadmap

08 February 2023

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Each organisation has a unique journey to Net Zero. A roadmap is a visualisation of the steps on that journey.

Creating a roadmap ensures that everyone shares the same understanding of the goal. It can also be a useful tool for communicating plans to stakeholders and for tracking progress against your targets.

We’ve collated some useful information, including examples from our members, to help you to plan your journey to Net Zero.



Whether you are an SME or a multinational corporation, the first fundamental step on any Net Zero journey is understanding your carbon footprint. By establishing a baseline, you can set targets, create your plan to work towards them, and you can track your progress.


Greenhouse Gas emissions are categorised into Scope 1, 2, and 3.

Scope 1 - These are emissions released directly from your operations - owned or controlled sources.

E.g., Fossil fuels, company vehicle fuel, emissions produced from manufacturing processes.

Scope 2 - These are emissions released indirectly from the energy purchased by your organization.

E.g., Electricity purchased and used to heat, steam, cool, or power machinery.

Scope 3 - This includes all other indirect emissions that occur within your organization’s value/supply chain. These fall into two categories; Upstream emissions (related to purchased and acquired goods and services), and downstream emissions (related to sold goods and services)

E.g., Waste services / recycling, purchased raw materials, transportation, and distribution.

Here is a selection of tools and resources we’ve found which may be useful when calculating your organisation’s carbon footprint.

Carbon footprint calculators:



Useful resources:





Once you know your carbon footprint, you can use this to identify areas where you can take action, evaluate them and ensure you are investing resources in the areas which will have the biggest impact.


Once you’ve assessed what changes need to be made, you now need to build a strategy detailing how you can make those changes. In doing so, it is helpful to first look at your organisation’s current practices and processes in order to build an integrated and pragmatic approach.

It is also important to consider the resources required to make these changes, such as investment, time, and sustainable suppliers, as well as when you are able to implement these changes and how you will measure the progress.

At this stage, you should also consider how you will fund your Net Zero plans. We’ve compiled a list of useful of contacts and resources which may be useful in helping you to access funding for your plans.


What our members are doing…

Two of our founders, The University of Hull and Marketing Humber, joined members Willerby Ltd, for a panel discussion on ‘Building a practical sustainable plan for your business’. They shared examples of how their organisations had identified and implemented actions to reduce their carbon emissions. You can read the full blog at the link below.



A roadmap is essentially a plan or strategy intended to achieve a particular goal. In this case the goal is Net Zero, and the plan or strategy is what steps you are going to take in your organisation to get there.

Your roadmap is unique to your organisation, although it is always helpful to learn from others. To provide inspiration when creating your own, here is a selection of published roadmaps from some of our members.

GW Power-Safe


Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust


M-AR Ltd




For an organisation to successfully adopt sustainable alternatives and achieve Net Zero, everyone must be engaged and onboard for the journey.  Both management and employees need to be invested in making the change and doing their part.


Once you have developed your roadmap, it is important to unite your workforce, include them in the proposed Net Zero actions and strategy, and educate them on why taking action is so important. This will ensure your organisation maintains momentum, stays on track, and achieves targeted carbon reductions.

What our members are doing…

Here is an example from one of our members, Springfield Solutions, on how educating your workforce can empower them to make positive changes both in the workplace and at home.



Now that you have measured your organisation’s carbon footprint, evaluated and assessed potential opportunities, developed your roadmap and engaged your workforce, you are well on your way, and it’s now time to implement those changes to achieve a Net Zero future.

During your journey, engaging with fellow organisations and industry leaders to share experiences is invaluable, as it allows you to learn from each other, tackle challenges together and accelerate your progress.

If you haven’t yet signed up to the Oh Yes! Net Zero campaign, come and join our growing community of organisations from across Hull and the Humber region.

We understand that the journey to Net Zero is not an easy one, and the Oh Yes! Net Zero campaign is here to support you at every step of the way.